ENGLISH and Japanese:
Description of item
・ We convert car cigarette lighter socket (DC12V) into household power supply (AC100V) and USB power supply (DC5V) and can supply power to cell-phone and digital audio player.
+ Input voltage DC12V
+ Output voltage AC100V
+ Rated output 30W (including USB output)
+ Maximum output 40W
+ Output waveform adjustment square wave
+ Frequency 55 Hz (50/60 Hz display device can be used)
+ Power supply cord length approximately 1m (effective length)
+ Body size 53 (W) x 32 (H) x 73 (D) mm
+ Weight 140g (including power cord and accessory plug)
+ Please confirm maker homepage from "BAL" about apparatus, instructions which can not be used by all means.
Manufacture: BAL
Direct imported from Japan
Store condition: we will check stock condition in Japan and contact you back immediately
Guarantee: global guarantee at the indicated address which is printed on the product package or manufacture’s website
Vendor: Auto
The distributor has been awarded 2 vivian star
Retailer: mimidoinTM company; ship: 1900.63.65.60 order@mimidoin.com or mimidoin.order@gmail.com
Product price at mimidoin is always cheaper or equal to vendor’s
1. This is the “MADE BY ORDER” product, you need to place the order first, then we will import it for only you, it means some products need more time for importing process, as well as legal registrations and tax application. We may contact and inform you back if these process need extra fee.
2. This product may not available in some countries, or some provinces.
3. This product is marked as “Executive”. It means mimidoin guarantee 10.000.000 VND for it origin that is imported from japan, follow Japan standard no matter where is it made.
4. The price could be cheaper or little higher time by time. If there is Sale promotion in Japan, we will inform you and do the extra deduction/discount for you upon order.
+ 入力電圧 DC12V
+ 出力電圧 AC100V
+ 定格出力 30W(USB出力含む)
+ 最大出力 40W
+ 出力波形 調整矩形波
+ 周波数 55Hz(50/60Hz 表示機器使用可能)
+ 電源コード長 約1m(有効長)
+ 本体サイズ 53(W)×32(H)×73(D)mm
+ 質量 140g(電源コード、アクセサリープラグ含む)
+ ご使用出来ない機器・注意事項につきまして、「外部リンク」よりメーカーホームページを必ずご確認願います。
輸入者: Auto
輸入業者は2 vivian starを授与されました
小売業者: mimidoinTM company; ship (出荷): 1900.63.65.60 order@mimidoin.com or mimidoin.order@gmail.com
1.これは「MADE BY ORDER-オーダーメイド」商品です。場合によっては、申告、税金審査、通関手続きに日数がかかることもございます。追加料金がかかる場合には、ご連絡させて頂きます。
2. 一部の国や地域では商品が手に入らない場合がございます。
3.この製品は「Executive-エグゼクティブ」とマークが付いております。 商品は日本から輸入したものであり、異なる場合はmimidoinが10.000.000 VNDを保証いたします。
4.価格が場合によってより低い場合もございます。 日本でセールがある場合は、ご注文時にお客様に通知し、追加の割引を行います。