Description of item
・ It is a humidifier of the method of blowing out the water crushed by ultrasonic vibration with a fan.
・ Because it is an ultrasonic method, the mist that blows out does not get hot and there is no concern about burns. You can use it with confidence even if you have a small child.
・ Because the mist (fog) rises quickly, you can feel the humidification quickly.
・ It stops automatically when the water in the bottle runs out, so you can use it with confidence.
-The lid during water supply is a slide system, so it can be easily supplied.
・ We release beautiful mist (fog) anytime by exclusive filter.
・ The blue illumination on the body creates a healing space.
+ Product size: W76 × H118 × D76mm
+ Body weight: about 236g (including water supply wick)
+ Code head: Approximately 2 m
+ Fuse: 1A glass tube fuse (built in power plug)
+ Operating voltage range: DC12V to 14V
+ Consumption current: about 135 ± 10 mA
+ Maximum power consumption: about 2.1 W
+ Operating temperature range: 0 to 40 degrees Celsius
+ bottle capacity: about 140 ml
+ Continuous humidification time: Approximately 6 hours-8 hours
+ Humidification capacity: 15 ml / h-20 ml / h (it changes according to use environment)
+ Applicable liquid: tap water, purified water
+ The inner diameter of cigar socket can be used for 20.9mm or more and less than 22mm.
+ There is a car model that can not be used partly by foreign cars and imported cars.
+ This product is for exclusive use in the car. It can not be used outdoors.
+ This product is for exclusive use of DC12V car. It can not be used directly on 24V cars such as trucks.
+ While using this product, there may be noise in the TV, AM, FM radio.
+ When traveling on a bad road, please note that the water inside may pop out.
+ Please do not put liquid such as aroma oil together.
+ Some outlet products may not have a manufacturer warranty even if the manufacturer warranty is attached.
+ When using it, please handle it after carefully reading the attached instruction manual.
+ Ultrasonic transducer, please leave a soft thing such as a cotton swab as a guide for about one week, and clean it gently.
+ Please clean the vibrator also when the spray (humidification) becomes weak. The spray function is reduced by dust and water stains.
Preliminary item
+ It is the best for the prevention measures of the cold, the prevention measures with the lump of the skin, the dryness prevention measures of the eyes.
+ The image is just an demontrate image. The real product could be little different.
Manufacture: セイワ
Direct imported from Japan
Store condition: we will check stock condition in Japan and contact you back immediately
Guarantee: global guarantee at the indicated address which is printed on the product package or manufacture’s website
Vendor: Auto
The distributor has been awarded 2 vivian star
Retailer: mimidoinTM company; ship: 1900.63.65.60 or
Product price at mimidoin is always cheaper or equal to vendor’s
1. This is the “MADE BY ORDER” product, you need to place the order first, then we will import it for only you, it means some products need more time for importing process, as well as legal registrations and tax application. We may contact and inform you back if these process need extra fee.
2. This product may not available in some countries, or some provinces.
3. This product is marked as “Executive”. It means mimidoin guarantee 10.000.000 VND for it origin that is imported from japan, follow Japan standard no matter where is it made.
4. The price could be cheaper or little higher time by time. If there is Sale promotion in Japan, we will inform you and do the extra deduction/discount for you upon order.
Tiếng Nhật: (thông tin sản phẩm, tem phụ)
+ 製品サイズ:W76×H118×D76mm
+ 本体重量:約236g(給水芯含む)
+ コード長:約2m
+ ヒューズ:1Aガラス管ヒューズ(電源プラグに内蔵)
+ 動作電圧範囲:DC12V~14V
+ 消費電流:約135±10mA
+ 最大消費電力:約2.1W
+ 使用温度範囲:摂氏0度~40度
+ ボトル内容量:約140ml
+ 連続加湿時間:約6時間~8時間
+ 加湿能力:15ml/h~20ml/h(使用環境によって変わります)
+ 適用液体:水道水・精製水
+ シガーソケットの内径が20.9mm以上及び22mm未満の車種にご利用頂けます。
+ 外車・輸入車で一部ご使用できない車種がございます。
+ 本製品は車内専用です。屋外での使用は出来ません。
+ 本製品はDC12V車専用です。トラックなどの24V車には直接ご使用頂けません。
+ 本製品を使用中に、TV・AM・FMラジオにノイズが入る場合がございます。
+ 悪路を走行する場合は、中の水が飛び出る事がありますのでご注意ください。
+ アロマオイルなどの液体を一緒に入れないで下さい。
+ 一部のアウトレット商品は、メーカー保証書が付属された商品であっても、メーカー保証の適用がない場合がございます。
+ ご使用の際は、付属の取扱説明書をよくお読みになってからお取扱い下さい。
+ 超音波振動子は、約1週間おくぐらいを目安に綿棒など柔らかいものを濡らして、やさしく清掃して下さい。
+ 噴霧(加湿)が弱くなった際にも、振動子を清掃して下さい。ホコリや水アカにより噴霧機能が低下します。
【 備考 】
+ カゼの予防対策、肌のカサ付き予防対策、目の乾き予防対策に最適です。
輸入者: Auto
輸入業者は2 vivian starを授与されました
小売業者: mimidoinTM company; ship (出荷): 1900.63.65.60 or
1.これは「MADE BY ORDER-オーダーメイド」商品です。場合によっては、申告、税金審査、通関手続きに日数がかかることもございます。追加料金がかかる場合には、ご連絡させて頂きます。
2. 一部の国や地域では商品が手に入らない場合がございます。
3.この製品は「Executive-エグゼクティブ」とマークが付いております。 商品は日本から輸入したものであり、異なる場合はmimidoinが10.000.000 VNDを保証いたします。
4.価格が場合によってより低い場合もございます。 日本でセールがある場合は、ご注文時にお客様に通知し、追加の割引を行います。