

Manual-web-0003-E                                                                   ONLINE ORDER PROCEDURE  Copy & Paste 日本語に翻訳する



NOTE: If you are a member, you should “SIGN IN” right before viewing goods (at the “Account”on the top right: Tài khoản  then the member will have preferential treatment:

1. Do not have to repeat the delivery address information

                                    2. Get accumulative points to convert vouchers


Step 1: Select the product

Please enter the product catalog to select

 Note: all inland Japan product (Made in Japan, or imported directly from inland Japan) are in the directory madeinjapan247

Fast food items in the directory:

  • Chiba  Fried ChickenTM &other dishes , Shinjuku Fries Fried PotatoesTM, Osaka HamburgerTM, Vietnamese BreadTM,
    Cosplay CaféTM,
  • Sapporo ChaTM

You can view photos, and brief information of many products:

Or click on the image or view the details of many angles and the description of the product attached. Prices includes VAT are provided also


Step 2:  Add to cart

You can change the quantity and click “ORDER”, the product will automatically add to the cart and transfer to you to check the cart:


When checking information about photos, quantities, prices of goods in the cart, you can:

  • Increase the number of each corresponding item in the cart, by clicking the arrow in the quantity column::
  • Or remove 1 item through the "Delete"
  • Or return to the selection interface, to add a item through the "CONTINUE PURCHASE" TIẾP TỤC MUA HÀNG
  • If you are satisfied with the selected list, you can order by clicking "Payment" THANH TOÁN


Step 4: Choose form of payment & fill in delivery information

- You already have mimidoin account then click  (NOTE: if LOGIN to buy, you do not have to repeat name, phone, delivery address ...)

- If you do not have an account, please fill in the delivery information

- If you want to buy another item, click button:

Then Choose one of the following payment forms:

  • It is mandatory to select the  button "I agree to payment terms above" button.

- If you are satisfied with the information filled, order, you can send orders through the button


  • If you choose online payment by international credit card (VISA, Master, AMEX, JCB ...) or by ATM (ATM Vietcombank, Vietinbank), you will be automatically connected  to OnePay's secure payment gateway, and you will fill in the form to complete the payment.


  • When payment is completed, the order will be transfered to mimidoin, and you will receive a successful email notification::
  • Order code. Date, time
  • Order information, product, price
  • Shipping information
  • Address information, phone
  • Payment method selected
  • And other notes

Step 6: Complete the order: You can receive phone from mimidoin customer service staff to confirm the order.






Tất cả bản quyền thuộc về công ty mimidoinTM, đã đăng ký tại cục bản quyền CHXHCN Việt Nam & có hiệu lực tại tất cả các Quốc Gia được bảo hộ, version 2011-2018